AmigaActive (1273/2143)

Date:16 May 2000 at 23:40:02
Subject:Re: GNUTella

Hello Ian

>> I can further back that point up by saying (as my sources in the music
>> biz tell me), that 96% of mp3's downloaded are legal.
> I'd love to see the "sources" go public with this you
> believe it yourself ?

Well yeah, Considering the sources have been involved with music
distribution since the late 60's. :)

Just my local area of the underground music scene (progressive rock), lists
over a hundred thousand band names in the database world wide and that
doesn't take the former Soviet Union countries into account (or amature

Start opening up the field and you are running into millions of profesional
bands that exist at this moment in time. Compair that with the tiny amount
of bands that the "industry" promotes and you can see quite plainly the
ratio is not what is claimed in the popular press.

The internet has expanded the popularity of non comercial bands by around
300% and rising, all thanks to the mp3.
Partly this is because the mp3 has raised awareness of alternitives to the
mainstream and partly because mp3 allows you to sample before you buy,
somthing the underground always lacked because of the control the
"industry" has over commercial radio stations.

The illegal mp3 are what get all the press (created by the music biz) and
this gives a false impression of the reality of the situation.

Illegal mp3 sites get closed down the moment they are found. There are
exceptions to this of course, but they are exactly that, exceptions

Adios Amigos

Steve Clark
DruidPoet Productions

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